Philanthropist | Ms. Universe | Ms. Texas

Paula Moussa, a multifaceted individual, is not just your average beauty queen. She is a highly educated mother, influential figure, successful entrepreneur, and dedicated community advocate. Throughout her life, Paula has continually pushed herself to new heights, earning immense respect in her industry.

Born in war-torn Lebanon, Paula embarked on a remarkable journey, bravely moving to the United States with her two young children. Despite the language barrier, she fearlessly immersed herself in a new culture, teaching herself English from scratch. Her determination and perseverance allowed her to overcome numerous hurdles and establish a stable life for herself and her family.

Paula firmly believes in presenting one’s best self, and her keen eye for fashion has made her an influential ambassador for several major clothing lines. By promoting and modeling fashion brands, she has garnered a massive following of fashion-conscious individuals, serving as a trusted influencer to tens of thousands.

Having experienced the challenges faced by young female expatriates firsthand, Paula is acutely sensitive to their daily struggles. In her commitment to helping others, she dedicates her time to various publicly funded organizations. She provides invaluable services such as language interpretation, English language tutoring, confidence building, and coaching on overcoming obstacles. Her genuine interactions foster long-lasting relationships that extend far beyond the initial encounters.

As Ms. Texas, Paula has taken on the crucial issue of domestic violence, with a particular focus on disadvantaged women from diverse cultural backgrounds who have been conditioned to view themselves as mere possessions. Her passion for empowering these women drives her to advocate for their rights and work towards creating a more equitable society.

Paula’s chosen charity is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a cause close to her heart. Inspired by the words of Danny Thomas, the hospital’s founder, who believed that “no child deserved to die in the dawn of life,” Paula actively supports the organization’s mission to provide exceptional care and find cures for children battling life-threatening illnesses.

In July, Paula was crowned as the new Ms. Universe 2023-2024.
She calls upon you, her supporters, to rally behind her and continue to offer your unwavering support.  To rally behind Paula and support her endeavors join her Patreon. With her unique blend of resilience, compassion, and determination, Paula Moussa is poised to make a lasting impact on the world stage and inspire countless individuals to reach for their dreams.